Foods that nourish your hair
1. Red Meat – A lack of iron can lead to baldness. It’s that simple! Red meats are high in iron and for this reason; they are great for promoting strong, healthy hair.
3. Eggs – Eggs have a very special vitamin called Biotin which encourages hair growth and contributes to thicker, fuller locks. A lack of Biotin in your diet can cause dry brittle hair. Eggs are responsible for the overall health of your scalp too.
2. Salmon - is so good for you in so many ways but because it is high in proteins and packed with Omega3 efas, it not only gives you strong healthy hair but also keeps the scalp healthy too.
4. Beans – beans are loaded with iron and protein just like red meats and salmon and so help nourish the hair and banish thinning.
5. Dark green vegetables – Broccoli and spinach are high in vitamins A and C which help produce natural scalp oil that actually work as a hair conditioner.
6. Strawberries – Strawberries are not only delicious but also help absorb iron into the body. They are also abundant in vitamin C. For long luscious hair, eat several strawberries a day.